Friends of Our Lady of Victories

Current Fundraising Drives by FOLV


Thank you very much to our wonderful and supportive community!  You continue to help us raise much needed funds for Our Lady of Victories Primary School so that all our children can enjoy learning and reach their potential.  We are so grateful for your support- Thank you!


At present, most state schools have a large funding shortage. FOLV raises money so that the school can buy and subscribe to things such as essential school supplies, high-end teaching tools, and programmes to ensure that all children can be challenged, fulfil their potential and enjoy all areas of the curriculum.
To see what projects we funded last year please see our flyer.



Download and use the EasyFundraising app to raise money for FREE.  Please select FRIENDS OF OUR LADY OF VICTORIES as your chosen charity.  You can raise money for the school just by shopping online at thousands of realtors!


Make sure to “enable donation reminder” on your easyfundraising account so that you can get a reminder to ask for a donation every time you are shopping online! Set it up on your computer and your phone. Earn the school money - it is FREE to you!!




Donation with PayPal


If you woud like to make a one off donation to FOLV at any time, you are welcome to use our paypal link.


Every year FOLV supports the enrichment of the school curriculumn to advance the educational experience of all OLV pupils.  This includes funding programmes and subscriptions to enhance music, sports, arts, science, mathematics, literacy and IT.


Here are some of our current fundraisers.


FOLV is raising money to pay for the school music programme by Wandsworth Music.  Wandsworth Music provides a rich diversity of high-quality music experiences, both in and outside the classroom. This includes participation in the Singing Strategy which is led by specialists and provides a bespoke repertoire designed to inspire children to sing and perform.  The school is able to buy into more music programmes and tuition depending on the amount of money raised.
MUSIC FUND - PLEASE CLICK HERE to see our fundraising page.
FOLV is helping to upgrade the IT suite. This includes buying a class set of chrome books, licences and a charging trolly. The IT upgrade will help prepare them for secondary school and beyond which is essential in a world that continues to become more competitive and dependent on computer technology.
IT Suite Upgrade - PLEASE CLICK HERE to see our fundraising page.
Learning Outside the Classroom
FOLV is raising funds for the use of buses for field trip transportation.  This allows children to go on educational trips to extend and reinforce classroom learning.



Direct Giving

Voluntary Regular Donation Scheme


Many parents choose to make regular contributions to FOLV, setting up a standing order. Some parents prefer to make an annual contribution.  We would ask parents to donate £30 per month, per child, or more if possible. FOLV only ask that families donate if and to the extent they can.  Every contribution, no matter the size is received with gratitude.

You can do this by setting up a standing order or transfer to the FOLV account:


FOLV Account Number: 00016078

FOLV sort code: 40-52-40

Reference: DON Year + childsurname

For example: DON Y3 Thorpe


All donations are entirely voluntary and treated in the strictest confidence by the FOLV Treasurer.


If you are a UK tax payer, increase your donation by 25% by filling in our Gift Aid declaration